Santa Clara County Voter's Guide On Children's Issues

City of Sunnyvale, Mayor

Larry Klein

As Mayor, my mission is to build a safe, inclusive, and prosperous city where every child and family can thrive. For 8 years on Council and 6 years as Mayor, I’ve prioritized inclusivity & equity in our diverse city. I’ve championed Safe Routes to Schools and helped small businesses. I’m ready to continue my work to make a better Sunnyvale for ALL!

  1. Over 80% of voters polled say they want elected officials to prioritize children and families. What are the top three issues affecting our children and families and how will you make our region a place where all families can thrive?

    The top 3 issues are access to quality education, safe transportation, and affordable housing.
    I advocate for investing in schools, helping school bonds pass and improving facilities at schools.
    I have worked to create safer transportation. Sunnyvale has added better bike lanes. I worked with VTA & FUHSD to improve VTA bus service for high school students. I’ve proposed a Citywide Shuttle to enable students to utilize after school programs.
    Finally, I’m an affordable housing advocate. I’ll continue championing affordable housing, transit-oriented mixed-use development, and adding granny flats in our single-family neighborhoods. We have families living in the cars who need permanent housing!

  2. High quality childcare improves school readiness and parents' workforce participation. What will you do to improve access to high quality childcare and preschool programs in our diverse communities?

    I have the support and endorsement of the trustees for Sunnyvale school districts, and I continue to partner with them to improve our educational system.
    To improve access to high-quality childcare and preschool, I’ll work to improve the permitting process for Small and Large childcare centers.

    I’ve met with Supervisor Ellenberg who is leading efforts for new childcare in Santa Clara County. I will work with our local community colleges to look enhancing training for early childhood educators.

    By advocating for federal and state support, we can reduce costs for families and increase the availability of childcare and preschool programs for everyone, regardless of their background.

  3. Much of the student achievement gap has been linked to the opportunity gap that children in low-income families and children of color confront (e.g., lack of access to healthy food, preschool, tutors, and enrichment activities). If elected, what will you do to increase equity of opportunity?

    To increase equity of opportunity, I’ll continue to prioritize funding for resolve on-going equity issues in Sunnyvale.

    As Mayor,I’ve helped break down some of the barriers for our low-income families :
    -Removed fines for all Library materials
    -Broke ground on the new Lakewood Branch Library & Learning Center in North Sunnyvale, historically an underserved neighborhood.

    I’m a “Mayor for GBI” (Guaranteed Basic Income), and I hope Sunnyvale can start a program helping working parents get by while a parent is going through college.

    Sunnyvale needs to continue partnering with the districts for afterschool programs to help students remain at school until working parents are home.

  4. What steps will you take to improve inclusion and outcomes for children with disabilities and their families in our community?

    I will work to ensure children with disabilities have equal access in our city.

    From a City standpoint, we recently opened new affordable housing on City-owned property where one-quarter of the units are for families with members having developmental disabilities.

    I’m looking to add a Citywide Shuttle, providing last mile transportation to people of all abilities.

    On my first night on Council, a Girl Scout asked for an all-access/all-abilties playground. Council listened and added a Magical Bridge Playground when renovating Fair Oaks Park. We’re now adding all-accessible playground equipment into every park.

    We must be more equitable to everyone in our community.

  5. If elected, how will you use the resources of your new role to improve children's well-being and access to mental and behavioral health services?

    If re-elected as Mayor, I will continue efforts to get improved health services in Sunnyvale. For a City of 155K, we have no Emergency Room and only private Urgent Care. I have lobbied our County Supervisor to add Urgent Care facilities at our County Health Facility.

    90% of adults believe that the country is facing a mental health crisis. We need to de-stigmatize mental health issues. Shelter-in-place during COVID only accentuated the issues in mental health. We need to work with partners to provide supportive services to everyone who is isolated, anxious and depressed—especially our youth.