Santa Clara County Voter's Guide On Children's Issues

Mountain View Whisman School District

Lisa Henry

Children and families are the foundation of our community, and as a community, one of the ways that we can show how much we value children and families is by providing high-quality public schools. Our schools can bring our community together and provide important resources to children and families.

  1. Over 80% of voters polled say they want elected officials to prioritize children and families. What are the top three issues affecting our children and families and how will you make our region a place where all families can thrive?

    High cost of living, lack of affordable and available housing, and mental health are three top issues affecting our children and families. The Mountain View Whisman School District is a very diverse district with a wide range of income levels, and as a district, we must be committed to meeting the needs of all of our students. As a Trustee, I would work with the district and the board to support a range of opportunities for families and other stakeholders from underserved and underrepresented communities to understand district initiatives and to increase ways to connect with the board, with the district administration, and with their schools.

  2. High quality childcare improves school readiness and parents' workforce participation. What will you do to improve access to high quality childcare and preschool programs in our diverse communities?

    MVWSD has an award-winning affordable preschool program. As a board member, I would love to explore expanding access to this valuable program.

  3. Much of the student achievement gap has been linked to the opportunity gap that children in low-income families and children of color confront (e.g., lack of access to healthy food, preschool, tutors, and enrichment activities). If elected, what will you do to increase equity of opportunity?

    I think that MVWSD is moving in the right direction with its “reimagining Castro” initiative, which involves looking at impacts and outcomes at one specific school site that has high numbers of English language learners, low-income families, and students who are experiencing homelessness. The changes will be implemented over a three-year period. The planned initiatives include changes to the school schedule that allow for academic intervention and daily breakfast, enhanced community partnerships, support for newcomer teachers, and other site-focused innovations. This project can be the source of exciting new initiatives that can be replicated at other schools in the district.

  4. What steps will you take to improve inclusion and outcomes for children with disabilities and their families in our community?

    As a board member, I would prioritize providing sufficient resources for special education - staffing, space, funding - that would support staff in removing barriers to inclusion. I think that it is important that inclusion includes the full school experience - field trips, assemblies, co-curricular and extracurricular activities as well as the classroom. I also think that specific outreach to families of children of disabilities should be done when the district seeks input on existing programs or in planning for the future.

  5. If elected, how will you use the resources of your new role to improve children's well-being and access to mental and behavioral health services?

    One of my top campaign priorities is to improve student wellbeing on every campus. Our district needs to prioritize school climate initiatives that focus on prevention and intervention not punishment and to develop a consistent approach for teachers, staff, and families to support student wellbeing across our campuses. As a board member I would prioritize equipping school site health and wellbeing staff with needed resources and supports. This year, MVWSD elementary schools now each have their own staff school counselor. Once that new system is fully launched, I would like to see the district revisit its previous proposal to add wellness centers to more campuses.