Santa Clara County Voter's Guide On Children's Issues

City of Sunnyvale, District 6

Richard Lesher

As a parent of a 6 and 8 year old my philosophy is to put forward in life children’s opportunities to thrive and succeed and foster an environment that allows families to be the foundation of that success.

  1. Over 80% of voters polled say they want elected officials to prioritize children and families. What are the top three issues affecting our children and families and how will you make our region a place where all families can thrive?

    Accessibility to quality education.
    Accessibility to extracurricular activities that develop confidence and reenforce academic foundations.
    A safe and friendly environment for all children/family interactions.

  2. High quality childcare improves school readiness and parents' workforce participation. What will you do to improve access to high quality childcare and preschool programs in our diverse communities?

    There persists to be a break in the necessary coverage of time and days relative to a common working day. Parents need to able to string together programs that will allow them to meet the obligations of a common 40 hr work week. A focus for more programs should incorporate an effort to create a string of programs that allow parents to cover enough time to drop of kids, keep them in school, have them attend a program, and then pick them up at the end of the work day.

  3. Much of the student achievement gap has been linked to the opportunity gap that children in low-income families and children of color confront (e.g., lack of access to healthy food, preschool, tutors, and enrichment activities). If elected, what will you do to increase equity of opportunity?

    My passion is music and performing arts for youth. So much so I seek these programs out for my children regardless of geography. I practice trumpet with my 8 year old almost every day. I am hoping to find the time in my life to support a new music education program in Sunnyvale so such opportunities are available locally. That is happening whether I am elected or not. My children are going to get music in their lives. I would like others to have the same exposure.

  4. What steps will you take to improve inclusion and outcomes for children with disabilities and their families in our community?

    My youngest is afflicted with a disability (Hypochondroplasia). I chose the word “afflicted” very carefully. He is not a “victim” of it. I have an elevated motivation in this subject. My role on city council and my capacity to effect change is best served as a liaison for other individuals championing various disabilities they face and bridge the various different limitations requiring different approaches toward inclusion and outcomes.

  5. If elected, how will you use the resources of your new role to improve children's well-being and access to mental and behavioral health services?

    I have found through my children's own school mental and behavioral resources are available, and the school staff makes overt efforts to contact parents whose children could benefit from those resources. A first level approach to this question is to simply ensure all schools in our community are making the best effort to utilize those current programs. My kids' school shows those resources are there. Let's ensure all schools are using the resources.